Montag, 25. April 2011

Servus Serfaus.

A TWO-PART-SHORTCUT of Serfaus. 1st part: A run with Dominik Brunner, Thomas Hörhager and Hannah Rauch. 2nd part: Several runs with Thomas Hörhager and Manuel Serloth. Thanks to Wolfgang Wanner for these clear and calm filmed follow cams!

love and piiice,


Montag, 18. April 2011

Heinz joins TheBloggas

Some weeks ago, we were at the Geigenbühel (small hill in Seefeld) trying to get some funny shots, equipped with a gopro and a handycam. Check that lovely clip below and watch how Heinz pushes the action. Cooli!!


Mittwoch, 6. April 2011

The Incredible Session at Sölden 30. - 31.3. 2011

 Hello hello,

last week, thebloggas were in sölden for the „incredible jump project“.
Million thanks to Q-PARKS, NITRO,RUDI and ISENSEVEN.

Check that tiny clip... we know you´ll like that one :)